Hui Fono

10 June 2025
Rydges Latimer Christchurch, 30 Latimer Square, Christchurch Central, Christchurch 8011, Ōtautahi (Christchurch)

AI | A.I - Bridging Artifical Intelligence and Ancestral Intelligence

Tēnā koutou katoa, Tālofa lava, Kia orana, Mālō e lelei, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Namaste, Mālō ni, Fakatalofa atu, Halo ola keta, Mauri and warm Pasifika greetings to you. 

The Hui Fono is one of two ACE sector flagship events. The other is the ACE Conference.

The Hui Fono is a unique space that brings together Māori and Pacific working in adult and community education.  The purpose of Hui Fono is to provide a space for professional learning, for and by Māori and Pacific. In 2025, we host the 16th annual Hui Fono.

Financial Assistance
Location and Venue

2025 Hui Fono
In 2025 we will be taking a new approach to Hui Fono and the ACE Conference. The two events will be held consecutively in Ōtautahi (Christchurch). The bringing together of our signature events will be premised on the whakataukī, he waka eke noa – we are all in this together. We have designed a programme that connects adult learning principles with an indigenous education paradigm thus, bringing together the best of the Hui Fono and Conference. We are pleased to announce, the two events will be hosted at the same venue, with the same theme and a scaffolding programme.

AI | A.I - Bridging Artificial and Ancestral Intelligence
This year’s theme, “AI | A.I : Bridging of Artificial and Ancestral Intelligence,” will bring together educators, technologists, and community leaders to explore the intersections of modern AI and ancestral wisdom. Our goal is to foster a rich dialogue that honours indigenous knowledge while embracing the innovative applications of artificial intelligence in community and educational contexts.

By connecting these two realms, we aim to develop educational practices that respect and celebrate the past, while also paving the way for a future embedded in collaboration, creativity, and cultural integrity. Join us for a transformative learning experience, exchange of ideas and practices, as we highlight the unique strengths of both Artificial Intelligence and ancestral wisdom in shaping adult and community education. This is an opportunity to reconceptualise the role of technology and tradition in shaping resilient, inclusive communities.

Our Kaikōrero | Emcee
Nohorua Hawaikirangi Parata (Rongowhakaata, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāti Toa, Te Ātiawa) is motivated by his whānau, his iwi, his ahurea (culture), and our taiao (natural world) to succeed. Nohorua hails from legacy leadership, bestowed with tūpuna name, connected associations honouring legacy to his māmā Meka Whaitiri, and godfather, the late Parekura Horomia. Nohorua has held significant roles including, Tumuaki Takirua (co-president) of Te Mana Ākonga—the National Māori Tertiary Students’ Association, been a research intern for Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga, New Zealand’s Māori centre of research excellence, where he worked on a project about digital solutions for iwi. By day, Nohorua works in public health. And his best mate is a humble NZ Sāmoan, so check out Brown Boy Bogeys on IG to follow their golfing haerenga.  His entry to Hui Fono happened in 2023 in Whakatū (Nelson), a debut as emcee being mentored in succession by veteran, Pale “in the whare” Sauni. A front position that continued in a supporting role at the 2023 and 2024 ACE Conferences, working with emcee, Te Ataahia Hurihanganui.

See the Hui Fono Programme here.

To make our events accessible to community and staff with limited professional development budgets, we continue to offer a significantly subsidised registration fee, thanks to funding from the Tertiary Education Commission. The registration fee includes access to the full day programme.

We are encouraging all Hui Fono participants to extend your registration to join the ACE Conference. A discounted registration fee will be offered to Hui Fono participants who register to attend both events. Please note that the programme has been designed to continue and build on the theme and learning. Attending the ACE Conference will also offer opportunity to stay and attend the Pre-Conference Network Event, and the ACE Aotearoa Annual Awards.

To learn more about the ACE Conference, click here.
To learn more about the ACE Aotearoa Annual Awards, click here.

Click here to register online. Registrations close 28 March 2025 or until we reach full capacity

Financial Assistance
In addition to the subsidised registration fee, we are offering financial assistance with travel and accommodation. Priority will be given to community and staff with limited professional development budgets. Please note, the Terms and Conditions, approved applicants will be required to make your own travel and accommodation arrangements and be reimbursed for costs on submission of receipts.

Click here to apply for Financial Assistance. Applications close 28 March 2025.

Location and Venue
The venue for Hui Fono will be at the Rydges Latimer Christchurch, 30 Latimer Square, Christchurch Central, Ōtautahi (Christchurch). The hotel is a central location offering access to explore the city in your free time. We are also pleased to offer a discounted rate for Hui Fono delegates. Please note that accommodation stay at the hotel is at your expense and responsibility. This is not included in the registration fee. You can book direct with the hotel here and use the discount code ACE2025. Alternately you are welcome to check or organise accommodation elsewhere.

To book accommodation at the Rydges Latimer Christchurch go to their website